The lack of connectivity in industrial equipments is one of the biggest – if not the biggest – hurdles in the digitalization of production. The plant equipment is heterogeneous, the solutions require individuality and are therefore expensive. But step by step, products are coming onto the market that simplify the process of connectivity and thus reduce costs. We present a variant with which we have had very good experiences: the SICK TDC in combination with Node-RED.
The process of equipment connectivity to optimize OEE generally consists of three steps:
- Capturing production units
- Preparing the signal for further transmission
- Digital data transmission to
This often requires additional hardware and software to be integrated into the equipment.
Note: The following description can be applied across various contexts but is not a universal solution for every use case. Through the extensive number of installations we’ve conducted, we’ve accumulated significant expertise in designing effective connectivity. If your specific use case differs, feel free to reach out to us for a personal consultation.
Capturing Production Units
The basis for calculating OEE is the number of units produced over time. This unit count vector must be made available to in real-time, which is typically achieved in one of two ways:
1. Retro-fit method
This involves attaching an additional sensor to the equipment to capture this signal or splitting the signal from an existing sensor.
2. Extracting signals from the PLC
This method is necessary when the unit count signal depends on more than just a single sensor. In such cases, the PLC processes multiple sensor signals to form the unit count signal. This signal can then be routed out via a free output from the PLC.
At the end of either method, the production unit signal is available at the end of a cable. The next step is signal preparation.
Signal Preparation and Transmission
Both hardware and software are required for signal preparation and transmission. Let’s start with the hardware.
SICK TDC as connectivity hardware
SICK introduced the first generation of its Telematic Data Controller (TDC) series some time ago. This hardware can be installed either standalone or in a control cabinet on a DIN rail.

Up to six pieces of equipment with analog signals can be connected to the TDC, significantly reducing hardware costs compared to other infrastructures. A cable connection from the equipment to the TDC is required for this setup.
The equipment signals are received via the previously prepared signal cable. Depending on the model variant, the TDC handles data transmission via network cable, Wi-Fi, or mobile communication, which also influences the price of the device.
This approach offers a cost-efficient method for routing the signal from the equipment into connectivity hardware. In addition to its relatively low hardware costs, the TDC product family is designed as an open platform for software integration. More on this in the next section.
You can find the SICK TDC in its various models in the SICK product catalog here.
Node-RED as connectivity software
The signal required for OEE calculation is now in the SICK TDC and needs to take the next step into the cloud application.
As mentioned earlier, the SICK TDC allows flexible software installation.
Essentially, the TDC uses Docker to virtualize so-called “containers,” which run independently on the device. Installing a container is straightforward, providing an easy and open way to run multiple functions on a single device.
We leverage this capability by installing the open-source low-code programming environment Node-RED on the TDC. Node-RED is rapidly gaining traction in industrial environments due to its simplicity, and it serves as our tool for signal processing and transmission to
To further simplify the installation process, has made a specific Node-RED flow for the SICK TDC available in the open-source library, which you can access here.

The software stack described here is entirely free of charge and can be customized to meet specific needs with only minimal programming knowledge. The team is also happy to assist with any questions or support.
With this setup, the entire connectivity chain—from hardware to software—has been established. If you have expertise in Node-RED, the only costs incurred for this connectivity are those for the SICK hardware. Even if additional software support is purchased, this tech stack offers a cost-effective solution for many use cases, combining professional-grade hardware and software.
Do you have further questions? Feel free to reach out to us at We look forward to the conversation!