About Us

Our Idea

From many years of consulting and management experience, we know that production is rich in data but poor in information. With the oee.ai app we close the gap between data and knowledge with the help of a modern “Manufacturing Intelligence” approach and thus simplify management in a complex production environment.

Our Mission

We provide manufacturing companies with the relevant status and optimization information in the right place at the push of a button. AI algorithms find the optimization potential in the data stream. Employees are motivated to act on the basis of the data in order to achieve the best possible production.

Our Knowledge

Innovation is the key to successful companies. Committed to this, we not only continuously develop the oee.ai app, but also contribute to the qualification of employees – in the form of modern online courses – see Udemy – and books – see Amazon in German –, as well as whitepapers and specialist articles.

Working with our Analytics

Our Technology Partner

Cybus Connectware
Hoffmann Group Go Digital Store
msg Plaut Smart Factory Platform
WAGO Corporation
Shopfloor Management Systems
Bosch Rexroth ctrlX Automation
Phoenix Contact PLCnext

OEE-Improvement as Hard- & Software-as-a-Service – without Invest

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